Once sold they are packaged professionally and securely and shipped within three business days. We try to accurately describe the condition of the item and never intentionally mislead our customers in the descriptions. We take pride in the condition of our items and the fair value of our prices. WE STRONGLY URGE YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE AND MAKE SURE THIS ITEM WILL FIT YOU! Our garments are pre-owned or“seconds” unless stated otherwise and may show some normal signs of wear. WE PROVIDE MEASUREMENTS FOR ALL OUR ITEMS. The back is designed with three storage pockets. 17“ from pit to pit and 26“ from back collar to bottom. I listed as"New" Because it's in excellent condition with very light if any wear and measures 22“ from front zipper top to bottom of the garment.
UV is present even on overcast days.GEAR UP FOR SPRING! You are bidding on a MEDIUM WOMANS SANTA CRUZ BICYCLE TRIP 3/4 ZIP RAGLAN POLYESTER CYCLING JERSEY. Hat, Sunscreen and long-sleeved shirt for UV protection. Sturdy shoes and warm clothes for the cool evenings that can occur year-round. Anacapa Island, San Miguel Island Santa Cruz Island at Prisoners/Del Norte Campground & Santa Barbara Island DO NOT have fresh/potable water. Santa Cruz Island at Scorpion and Santa Rosa Island have fresh/potable water. Please be prepared to give your campsite number at check-in as required by the National Park Service. Late arriving gear may not be loaded onto the boat.Ī campsite reservation.
Please arrive at your harbor of departure a full hour before your departure time. Shade is available in some limited locations, but visitors should bring hat and sunscreen for UV protection that can occur year round and on overcast days. It is always best to dress in layers and bring a jacket/sweatshirt (even in the summer months). Weather conditions can change rapidly in the Santa Barbara Channel. We suggest passengers do not wear loose or leather soled sandals or flip flops on your island adventure.

Visitors to the island must take all their trash with them when they depart the island.įlat shoes with rubber soles are best for both the boat and the island. Anacapa Island, San Miguel Island Santa Cruz Island at Prisoners & Santa Barbara Island DO NOT have fresh/potable water. There are no shops or restaurants on the island. A small cooler with a single handle or a backpack will help to protect your food from the small animals and birds that populate the islands year-round. Pack food and drink for your time on the island. Please arrive at your harbor of departure 45 minutes before your scheduled mainland departure. Less restrictive measures would have the potential for introduction of nonnative species that could adversely effect many species and/or endanger the islands ecosystems. This restriction action is necessitated for the protection of the islands unique values, ecological systems and protection of breeding populations of marine mammals, endangered species of seabirds, eagles, islands foxes and other unique and rare species of flora and fauna inhabiting the Channel Islands National Park. Live or Potted Plants, Soil, Cut Flowers, Firewood or any untreated, unfinished wood (including hiking sticks), Corrugated boxes, Tools or equipment with attached soil, Motorized vehicles, Bicycles To prevent the introduction of nonnative species, the following items may not be brought to the park: The following bio security regulations and guidelines can help prevent the introduction and spread of nonnative species before they become a problem. Non-native, invasive species threaten endangered animals and plants on the Channel Islands and are costly to control. Wildlife & Whale Watching | K-12 Education.East End Landing Cove – AI | K-12 Education.History -Stories -Facts of California Islands.Santa Barbara Island Hiking and Interpretive Trail Guides.San Miguel Island Hiking & Interpretive Trail Guides.Santa Rosa Hiking Guide & Interpretive Guides.Santa Cruz Island Hiking Guide & Interpretive Guide.Anacapa Island Hiking Guide & Interpretive Trail Guide.Driving Directions | Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard.